Transport Details

Conditions for the international transport of dogs and cats.

  • No pet, dog or cat can travel outside of Romania without a valid International Passport.​
  • The dog or cat can leave the country – according to the legislation – only after reaching the age of 4 months and only after being fitted with a microchip and vaccinated against rabies.
  • The vaccine against rabies is done at least 21 days before the scheduled time for departure. It must be written with a pen, signed and initialed and must have the round stamp and the secure foil.
  • Within a maximum of 24 hours before the departure, the dog or cat has to be cleaned internally and externally and undergo a clinical examination. All of this data must be found in the passport of the animal.
  • Five days before the trip we will need all of this data to be able to complete the TRACES International System.

Transport Procedure

In order to transport your dog or cat to the desired location some formalities must be fulfilled:

  1. The first step is to fill in the booking form. It must be filled out with great care (use the data you find in the passport of your pet). If you have more than one pet to transport then you will need to fill in a form for each one.
  2. Once you have filled out the booking form” please send it to our e-mail address: In the shortest possible time after receiving the e-mail, a member of our team will contact you to arrange the details of the trip.